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  • ae86



這段影片介紹了日本豪華臥舖列車「TWILIGHT EXPRESS MIZUKAZE」的旅程。影片詳細描述了列車的各種設施和服務,包括舒適的客房、精緻的餐點、藝術品展示以及沿途的美景。整個旅程展現了日本高水準的鐵路服務和文化體驗。


🚂 TWILIGHT EXPRESS MIZUKAZE是一列10節車廂的豪華臥舖列車,從山口縣下關站出發前往京都站,沿途經過山口、廣島和神戶等地。 🏨 列車客房設計如同飯店,包括單人房、雙人房和套房,設有私人浴室、淋浴間、茶具、電子設備等,營造舒適的旅行體驗。 🍽️ 列車提供精緻的餐點,包括星鰻飯、生魚片拼盤、涮鍋等,由米其林星級廚師監製,搭配當地特色飲品。 🖼️ 列車各個車廂陳列各種藝術品,如繪畫、雕塑、工藝品等,營造藝術博物館般的氛圍。 🌄 沿途欣賞瀨戶內海的壯麗景色,包括山口大橋、尾道橋等著名景點,為旅程增添美麗的自然風光。


3月 9, 2025 於 1:58 上午
發表者 ae86
Please enjoy a trip on the luxurious sleeper train "TWILIGHT EXPRESS MIZUKAZE" in western Japan.

■Videos of other cruise trains in Japan
World's Only Seven Stars Train In Kyushu (Japan) - $6000/Night Luxury Sleeper Train
32hrs on Japan's Ultra-Luxury Sleeper Train, Shiki-Shima ($4,000 Suites for 1 night)

■Boarding information
Boarding date: September 2024
Seat: Royal Single (Car 4)
Price: 445,000 JPY / 2,880 USD / 2,680 EUR
Departure: Shimonoseki Station 9:26
Stop Station 1: Hofu Station Arrival 13:47, Departure 17:01
Stop Station 2: Onomichi Station Arrival 8:14 (+1 day), Departure 12:01 (+1 day)
Arrival: Kyoto Station 16:53 (+1 day)
Course: 2 days, 1 night, Sanyo course (upbound)

Lunch 1: "Anagomeshi Ueno (Hiroshima Prefecture)" Local cuisine supervised by Junichi Ueno
Dinner: "Kikunoi (Kyoto Prefecture)" Japanese cuisine supervised by 3-star Michelin chef Yoshihiro Murata
Breakfast: "HAJIME (Osaka Prefecture)" Western-style breakfast supervised by 3-star Michelin chef Hajime Yoneda
Lunch 2: "HAJIME (Osaka Prefecture)" Western cuisine supervised by 3-star Michelin chef Hajime Yoneda

■Train information
Start of operation: June 17, 2017
Operator: West Japan Railway Company (JR West Japan)
Section: Shimonoseki Station - Osaka Station - Kyoto Station
Vehicle: 87 series diesel car
Gauge: 1,067 mm
Maximum speed: 110 km/h (68.35 mph)
Official website: https://twilightexpress-mizukaze.jp/en/

Class: A-class sleeping car
Seat: "Royal Twin" cars 2, 3, 8 and 9, "Royal Single" car 4, "The Suite" car 7
Meals: Dining car "Diner Pleiades" car 6
Observation: cars 1 and 10
Other: Lounge car "Salon de l'Ouest" car 5

TWILIGHT EXPRESS MIZUKAZE began commercial operation on June 17, 2017, inheriting the name of the special sleeper express "Twilight Express" which operated for about 26 years from July 21, 1989 and ended its operation on March 12, 2015 (based on the starting station).

TWILIGHT EXPRESS MIZUKAZE is a 10-car train consisting of 6 sleeping cars, 1 dining car, 1 lounge car, and 2 leading cars with observation spaces. There are two classes of passenger cars, with one room and three rooms per car. The planned capacity was about 30 people, but the tour was ultimately limited to 34 people.

TWILIGHT EXPRESS MIZUKAZE won the Good Design Best 100 award in 2017.

■Table of Contents
00:00 Intro
00:52 Shimonoseki Station
02:40 Boarding Car 4
03:50 Room Tour (Car 4, Royal Single)
13:34 Information, Route, and Price
16:15 Car 5 Lounge Car "Salon de l'Ouest"
19:32 Car 6 Dining Car "Diner Pleiades"
20:44 Cars 7-9
22:22 Car 10 Observation Deck
24:34 Lunch - Anagomeshi Ueno (Hiroshima)
28:42 Car 1 Observation Deck
29:54 First stop Hofu Station (Yamaguchi)
31:15 Ride the Mizukaze bus to see Hofu - Mohri Garden
36:18 Depart Hofu Station (Yamaguchi)
38:23 Aperitif time, live music
40:35 Dinner - Kikunoi (Kyoto) 3-star Michelin
43:38 Nighttime
44:32 Bed, shower, amenities, sleep
48:28 Breakfast - HAJIME (Osaka) 3-star Michelin
51:35 Ride the MIZUKAZE bus from Onomichi Station (Hiroshima)
55:05 Hirayama Ikuo Museum
56:40 Sightseeing high-speed cruiser "SEASPICA"
1:00:50 Departing from Onomichi Station (Hiroshima)
1:03:42 MIZUKAZE goods
1:05:43 Lunch - HAJIME (Osaka) 3-star Michelin
1:07:49 Kobe
1:09:48 Osaka
1:10:57 Final in-car announcement
1:13:30 Kyoto Station, MIZUKAZE Lounge
1:16:06 Thank you for watching

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